That survey was awfully interesting to do. Perhaps I'll find another one? Edward, Emmett and Jasper appeared to have some fun with it too.. and Emmett took it into his own hands to accuse my Esme of cheating on me with Jasper. I've never gasped so loudly in all of my life. They said the internet was a shocking place, and perhaps that is why I've avoided conforming to the technology for as long as I have.
Anyway, I know that Edward never suspected me of finding this, and I do feel horrible for doing so, but I know that soon enough incriminating pictures of me will be posted by at least one of my apparent loving sons, if not all three.
So without further ado I present...
Just a few things that crossed my mind upon finding this.. ahem.. masterpiece.
- Edward, I honestly had no idea that you were a Titanic fan! How did you keep this from us for over ten years?
- Who took this picture of you? I'm mildly curious...
- Does Alice know you own that shirt? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't approve...
Carpe Diem!
HAHAHA Doc you rock (L)
(actually, i'm feeling a bit sick these days... maybe i need a checkup)
Oh hot dayum Edward! [Emmett quickly takes time to scribble down some notes from this image, his tongue poking out as he concentrates]
Kudos to finding this one dad.
-Jasper flinches-
Never again, Carlisle, will I show you how to google search for particular images.
"I'll have you know that this was a complete accident," he sputtered, at a loss for words. "I was experimenting editing pictures for when Alice was orchestrating her fashion show - it was - a picture on her desktop - I chose at random?"
Edward was slightly reluctant to admit that, though the first part was true, he did, in fact, enjoy Titanic - and had a penchant for romantic movies.
Maybe Bella should have a look at this. Though it might disturb her a little.
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